Wirral Chinese Cultural Association (WCCA) are committed to creating and

maintaining the safest possible environment for the purposes of safeguarding

and protecting all our members, particularly children, young people and

vulnerable adults.

We believe that it is unacceptable for any person, but particularly in this

context, any child, young person or vulnerable adult to experience harm

and/or abuse of any kind and we recognize our responsibility to safeguard

their welfare to the maximum extent available to us.

It is our desire to create a safe environment within the WCCA and we are,

therefore, committed to a safeguarding practice which protects every member

and attendee of our association.

The purpose of this policy is to:

Provide protection for all the children, young people and vulnerable adults who

attend our WCCA.

Provide all staff and volunteers with guidance on procedures they should

adopt if they suspect a child, young person or vulnerable adult may be

experiencing, or be at risk of harm and/or abuse (including how to make a


Provide all staff and volunteers with guidance on what will happen if an

allegation is made against them.

This policy applies to all staff, volunteers, and anyone working on behalf, or

designated representative of the WCCA.

The detailed procedures, of which, are to be found in the constitution, relevant

documents, training aids and literature produced by the WCCA and in the

statutory government documents for the same purposes.

We recognise that:

The welfare of every child, young person and vulnerable adult is paramount.

All children, young people and vulnerable adults have the right to equal

protection from all types of harm and/or abuse and have the right to freedom

from harm and/or abuse;

All our staff and volunteers need to be aware, trained and accept responsibility

for safeguarding children, young people, and vulnerable adults in their care.

We will endeavour to safeguard children, young persons, and vulnerable

adults by:

Listening to, respecting them, and making them feel Valued.

Adopting child protection guidelines and statutory requirements through

detailed procedures.(Child Protection Procedures Document)

Adopting a code of conduct for all staff members and Volunteers. (Code of

Conduct Handbook)

Responding quickly and appropriately to all suspicions or allegations of abuse

or issues relating to child welfare.(Constitution and Training Documentation)

Working in partnerships with parents, carers, families, and children and

providing them with the opportunities to voice any concerns they may have.

Recruiting staff, including volunteers, safely and ensuring adequate checks

are made. (See the Constitutional Requirements for CRC)

Providing effective management for all staff through induction, supervision,

support, appropriate safeguarding training and any other relevant training.

(Code of Conduct Handbook, Training Documentation)

Ensuring confidential information is stored and managed in accordance with

national guidance.(GDPR Compliance Documentation)

If there are any allegations that a child, young person, or vulnerable adult is at

risk or may have been harmed, we will initiate an investigative process.

Including, but not restricted to, internal procedures, external review either by

independent bodies or government agencies, Police and criminal

investigation, and, at all times, fully co-operate openly with any investigation

and or prosecution arising.

We will offer Pastoral care and support to anyone who has suffered from any

kind of harm and/or abuse by counselling and helping them through a healing


If an allegation is made against any member of staff or volunteer, that person

will be immediately withdrawn from working with children, young people, and

vulnerable adults for an investigation process to be initiated by the Designated

Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead of the
